

       黄涛,上海交通大学体育系副教授,博士生导师。2015年获南丹麦大学(University of Southern Denmark)公共健康方向博士学位。长期从事运动人体科学等领域的研究与教学。近年,在英文SSCI/ SCI/ CSSCI等收录期刊发表运动与健康领域学术论文50余篇。近期主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划专项课题、教育部人文社科基金、国家体育总局科技课题等科研项目多项,参与国家重点研发专项、国家社科基金等项目多项。2016年获上海市浦江人才计划支持,2019年获教育部直属工科院校体育优秀工作者称号。



  1. 国家重点研发计划重点专项课题,健身运动知识表达技术与查询开放平台研究,2022/12-2025/12,主持

  2. 教育部人文社科基金项目,基于24小时活动行为的大学生心理健康促进模式构建研究,2022/09-2025/09,主持

  1. Huang T, Zheng K, Li S, et al. Screen-based sedentary behaviors but not total sedentary time are associated with anxiety among college students. Front Public Health, 2022, 10:994612.

  2. Zheng K, Deng Z,… Huang T. Changes in working memory performance and cortical activity during acute aerobic exercise in young adults. Front Behav Neurosci, 2022, 16:884490. (通讯作者)

  3. Li S, Guo J,… Huang T. Is Sedentary Behavior Associated With Executive Function in Children and Adolescents? A Systematic Review. Front Public Health, 2022, 10:832845. (通讯作者)

  4. Zheng K, Zou L, Wei G, Huang T. Concurrent Performance of Executive Function during Acute Bouts of Exercise in Adults: A Systematic Review. Brain Sci, 2021,11(10):1364. (通讯作者)

  5. Xue Y., Yang Y, Huang T. Effects of chronic exercise interventions on executive function among children and adolescents: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med, 2019, 53(22):1397-1404. (通讯作者)


